Bus Stop Survey
GDT > Campaigns > Bus Stops > Survey
We Need Your Help…
Greater Denver Transit is conducting an independent survey of the 9,700+ public bus stops in the Regional Transportation District (RTD) district. Currently RTD only maintains approx. 300 of those stops leaving the rest to the various towns, cities and counties. A few stops are maintained by advertising companies (such as Lamar Outdoor) in return for them being able to place adverts on the shelters. We need your help to identify the amenities that the bus stops have so please fill in a quick report on your local stop today!
Survey Progress

How Many Stops?
Of the 9,700+ RTD bus stops in the district,
8,385 are currently ‘active’ – i.e. in use.
8,385 Stops

Survey Progress
As of August 15th, 2024,
151 bus stops have been surveyed.
1.8% Surveyed

What Are We Learning?
Of those stops surveyed,
only 68% were ADA compliant.
68% ADA
Please help us track bus stops that have poor amenities or are not ADA compliant by filling in a Bus Stop Report. Your input helps us make things better for transit riders!