Bus Stops
Please help us track bus stops that have poor amenities or are not ADA compliant by filling in a Bus Stop Report. Your input helps us make things better for transit riders!
There are 9,700+ public bus stops in the Regional Transportation District (RTD) district. Currently RTD only maintains approx. 300 of those stops leaving the rest to the various towns, cities and counties. A few stops are maintained by advertising companies (such as Lamar Outdoor) in return for them being able to place adverts on the shelters.
Who is responsible for my bus stop?

To find out who is responsible for maintaining a particular bus stop, you first need to get the 5 digit stop number, which is written on the sign at the stop or can be looked up using the RTD NextRide, Transit or Google Maps apps. Then, the bus stop # should be located on the RTD Bus Stop List.
All issues with bus stop signs should be reported to RTD, regardless of who maintains the stop on the list.
Any stop located within an RTD rail station, park-n-ride or other transit facility located off the street should be reported to RTD along with those that RTD maintains.
City & County of Denver bus stop issues should be reported here.
City of Aurora bus stop issues should be reported using the Access Aurora online system.
Lakewood bus stop issues should be reported using the MyLakewood311 online system.
Because bus stops are a key part of the transit experience, GDT has identified 8 amenities which a good bus stop should have:
- Sign
2. ADA Compliant Paving (minimum 6ft x 8ft unobstructed paved area).

3. Bench
4. Trash Can
5. Shelter
6. Lighting
7. Map / Schedule
8. Passenger Information Display

We need your help with our bus stop survey…
Greater Denver Transit is conducting an independent survey all the public bus stops in the Regional Transportation District (RTD) district. We need your help to identify the amenities that the bus stops have so please fill in a quick report on your local stop today!
Can you spend a few extra minutes to shovel your local bus stop?

Bus stops not cleared of snow can remain unusable to people in wheelchairs / mobility for days after the snow fall. It only takes a few minutes to become a #BusStopSnowAngel and clear your local stop.
Please help us track bus stops that have poor amenities or are not ADA compliant by filling in a Bus Stop Report. Your input helps us make things better for transit riders!