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Board of Directors

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2024 RTD Board of Directors

The RTD Board is made up of 15 directors each represent a district of approx. 220,000 residents. Directors serve four-year terms, and can only be re-elected once. Elections are staggered with eight directors being up for election in presidential election years, and the remaining seven two tears later. It’s a part time role that pays $12,000 / year. Therefore most directors have “professional” full time jobs.

Board Officers

Chair: Erik Davidson
First Vice Chair: Lynn Guissinger
Second Vice Chair: Peggy Caitlin
Treasurer: Julian Bouquet
Secretary: Michael Guzman

2024 Full Board Meeting Schedule

The board meets 10 times a year, usually on the last Tuesday of the month, with the exception of August and December.

Public Participation in Board Meetings

RTD offers members of the public a unique opportunity to address the entire Board, GM & CEO plus senior staff each month at full board meetings. Speakers get 3 minutes “on the soapbox” to talk about any RTD related topic. The Directors and staff will not respond immediately to your comments but if you make it clear you would like a response, they will follow up at a later date as appropriate.

Public participation usually gets going within a few minutes of the Board meeting starting. The chair will call in-person members of the public to comment in the order that they signed in and then call for commenters online. After public participation is over, you are welcome to stay for the remainder of the meeting or leave as you please.

Tips for Public Participation

  • Rehearse beforehand what you are going to say and keep it direct and to the point.
  • Refer to people by their proper titles (e.g. “Chair Davidson”, “Director Guissinger”, “GM & CEO Johnson”).
  • Speak slowly and clearly.
  • Photographs, exhibits and props are allowed (within reason!)
  • At the end of your comments, thank the Board for the opportunity to speak.

Written Comments

The RTD Board Office also accepts written public comment, submitted by email to If you get your email in a couple of hours in before the meeting starts, a copy will be printed out and placed in front of every Director.

Boardroom WiFi

Wifi is available for the public to use during Board meetings.

Network: MOBILE

Username: limited

Password: wifiuser

District A currently has a temporary Director…

On Jan 12th, 2024, RTD announced the sad news that District A Director Kate Williams is unable to continue serving due to serious health issues. Director Williams is a true transit champ, and we believe her experience as a bus and train rider has been essential to influencing changes in favor of the rider experience.

As District A falls fully within the City & County of Denver, the Mayor will appoint a temporary director (which is ratified by the City Council) until a full time replacement is elected this November.

Our letter to the Denver Mayor…

On Jan 16th, 2024, Greater Denver Transit sent a letter to Denver Mayor Mike Johnson expressing out support for Chris Nicholson for the interim appointment but also supporting Jamie Lewis should the Mayor wish the appointee not to seek election in November 2024.

…and the Mayor’s response.

We are thrilled announce that the Mayor listened to us and appointed Jamie Lewis as a temporary director for District A!

More RTD Board Content…