Scope Provision
GDT > Front Range Passenger Rail > FRPR Scope Provision
Download our white paper and fact sheet here…
Fast, Frequent, Reliable and Accessible Service Provision

In Summer 2023, the Front Range Passenger Rail (FRPR) District announced their preference to narrow the ambitions for the first phase of FRPR to a low-cost, infrastructure-light, and low-frequency starter service that is unlikely to exceed 6 roundtrip trains per day. The media has labeled this vision of FRPR as a “bare bones” project.
Greater Denver Transit (GDT) is strongly convinced that a minimal “starter” FRPR service would (a) fail to offer a viable alternative to driving and (b) fail to expand the initial line into a broader rail network as envisioned by the FRPR District to eventually link Colorado (including Greeley) with New Mexico and Wyoming.
In this white paper, we provide evidence supporting our position and conclude with three proposals:
- The FRPR scope must be sufficient to provide fast, frequent, reliable and accessible service from day one.
- Recommend studying a more substantial build-out alternative costing roughly $14.5B over 15 years generated by a 0.5% sales tax.
- Recommend adequate polling be completed before selecting the project’s funding levels.